English & Maths Confidence Courses

The English and Maths Confidence Courses are designed to boost confidence and basic skills. Activities reinforce and develop English and maths objectives, required to meet National Curriculum age related expectations. The curriculum in school can often be fast paced and some children benefit greatly from a little extra practice to ensure basic skills are embedded. A key part of all our work, is to support children in developing a growth mindset to ensure that they embrace challenge and develop a positive attitude to learning, in order to enjoy and thrive in school.

The English and Maths Confidence Courses cover the following areas:

English Comprehension

A wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts are used to widen vocabulary and develop information retrieval, inference & deduction skills.

Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation

A range of activities designed to meet and develop age appropriate expectations including:

  • Common spelling patterns and exceptions including plurals, contractions, prefixes, suffixes,
  • Vocabulary – synonyms, antonyms, homophones.
  • Word & sentence structure
  • Punctuation – capital letters, full stops, commas, direct speech, apostrophes.
  • Short writing tasks
  • Proofreading


Mixed Activities designed to build mental maths skills and known facts including:

  • Number and Place Value
  • Addition & Subtraction – written calculation strategies and solving word problems
  • Multiplication & Division – written calculation strategies and solving word problems
  • Fractions & Decimals
  • Measurement – time, money, units of measure, area & perimeter
  • Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
  • Position & Direction
  • Interpreting charts, graphs, pictograms and tables

The above is not an exhaustive list of what is covered but represents the main elements. All activities are adapted for specific age groups and individual needs of children. Some courses are offered as combined English and maths while others are offered as single subjects based on demand.

Please contact us to discuss how we can best support your child.

“My son was struggling in his maths lessons. The teachers at Taylor-Made Education have increased his confidence and helped him get to grips with fractions and decimal calculations. He can now confidently tackle new topics in school and is enjoying maths again!”

Year 4 Parent